Filing for Bankruptcy in NJ = Finding Financial Freedom!

filing for bankruptcy in NJ

If you find yourself facing unmanageable debt from credit card bills, loans, medical expenses or a variety of other potential issues, bankruptcy can provide a path towards a brighter financial future. Filing for bankruptcy in NJ can be an excellent way to take control over your finances and make the process of repaying your debts much more affordable. Unfortunately, despite the many benefits of filing for bankruptcy, many people are hesitant to file when they should. Some debtors feel a sense of failure or shame in filing for bankruptcy and wait years to file, while their financial situation becomes more unmanageable in the process. This delayed filing can be disastrous for your financial future.

A recent study by the Consumer Bankruptcy Project (CBR) found that nearly two-thirds of those who eventually file for bankruptcy report struggling under the weight of their debt for two or more years before filing. The study found that most people are filing for bankruptcy only after years of significant financial hardship. This period of time is commonly referred to as “the sweatbox.” While in the sweatbox, debtors are constantly bombarded by debt collectors, face the threat of losing their homes, and many even experience wage garnishment. Debtors in the sweatbox can find themselves in lawsuits over unpaid debt and may even be unable to pay for basic needs like food and electricity. Often times, these financial situations could have been avoided by filing for bankruptcy earlier.

When we meet with clients in the sweatbox, they almost always wish they had talked to us sooner. Often, those who wait to file for NJ bankruptcy do so with fewer assets and a much higher debt-to-income ratio than those who file earlier. Essentially, the longer you wait to file, the worse your financial situation is likely to be. On top of this, the stress and uncertainty of struggling through years of unmanageable debt will take a very real emotional and mental toll on anyone. And yet, many of our clients who finally file for bankruptcy long after the pros greatly outweigh the cons still express feelings of failure and shame.

At Veitengruber Law, our goal is to help people see bankruptcy as an opportunity for positive financial change—not as the end of the line. We work with our clients to dispel some of the prevailing myths about bankruptcy. We know that many of our clients face bankruptcy due to a number of circumstances outside of their control. Loss of employment or underemployment, divorce, medical expenses, and student loan debt are some of the most common obstacles to financial security that our clients face. We understand that no two clients are the same, which is why our debt relief solutions are created to fit your particular needs and goals. Bankruptcy is just one of the many tools we can help clients use to restore financial health.

Struggling through years living under the enormous weight of crushing debt is not a measure of personal integrity, nor is it financially advisable. Waiting too long to file for bankruptcy can put your financial security at greater risk. Don’t spend years struggling in the sweatbox. Veitengruber Law’s holistic approach to debt management and bankruptcy strategies will ensure that you receive personalized service for your specific needs. Filing for bankruptcy can be an intimidating process, but you do not have to do it alone, and working with us will not put you further in debt. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

When you call us for your free consultation, we will answer any questions you have and help you decide if bankruptcy is the right choice for your circumstances. If bankruptcy is not the right option for you, we will offer you alternative solutions that are viable in your specific situation. No risk – no obligation. We’re here to help!

Image: “FREEDOM!” by Gonzalo Baeza – licensed under CC by 4.0