Wallet Full of Plastic: Do You Need Credit Counseling?

credit counseling

Many people enjoy the flexibility of credit card spending, but the more credit cards you have, the easier it is to develop destructive spending habits. The convenience and ease of credit spending can be a slippery slope to overspending and unmanageable debt. If you find yourself with a wallet filled with plastic, it might be time to seek credit counseling to get expert advice on debt management and credit repair. At Veitengruber Law, our credit counseling team can work with you to improve your individual financial situation and help you gain control over your money and credit.

Credit counseling is a great way to receive expert financial advice and support to help manage your debt and organize your finances. It is important to make sure you are getting advice from true experts and not financial scammers. Our legal team provides debt management and credit repair services to get you back on the road to financial health. Many of our clients developed unhealthy spending habits over time, slowly building debt until suddenly finding themselves overwhelmed with payments. Out of control credit card debt can seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone.

At Veitengruber Law, we understand how the credit industry works. We strive to instill in our clients a holistic understanding of their finances and how the credit system works. Our team can give you the tools and insider advice to take control of your credit. In your individualized consultation, we will provide easy-to-follow strategies to rebuild your credit, even after major financial set-backs. Our attorneys can also help you establish a realistic and manageable budget by looking at your monthly bills, expenses, debts, and income and devising the best plan forward. We can give you the knowledge to negotiate better terms on your credit cards to make your payments more impactful.

You may be surprised by how much a few budget changes can massively improve your financial situation.

It is important to note that you don’t have to be in dire straits to seek credit counseling. Maybe you have a decent credit score, but making payments on time has recently become a struggle. Don’t wait to address your financial situation until debt collectors are knocking at your door. If your current budget isn’t comfortable or you find yourself struggling to make your payments, it might be time to reassess your financial situation. If you are feeling overwhelmed, be proactive about your debt and address your problems before they become emergencies. Credit counseling can help you avoid future financial woes like bankruptcy.

IMPORTANT FACT: Credit counseling and debt management are excellent alternatives to bankruptcy and can often even prevent it.

Even novice consumers can benefit from credit counseling. Seeking advice from experts when you first start living on your own is a great way to make sure you are starting on the right foot as you make plans for your financial future. We offer individualized counseling to help you understand how credit scores work, financially healthy ways to build credit, and how to make the most out of your credit right now. Establishing healthy spending habits and formulating a budget early on will set you on the path for a healthy financial future.

It’s our goal to help you become a stronger financial consumer. From helping clients out of extreme credit card debt via NJ bankruptcy to keeping homeowners in their homes via mortgage modification, and even simply offering advice to struggling novice consumers, we can get you back on track. We care about your financial future.

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